En Fuente El Sauz - Ávila
Rural house
Full House
12 + 2 personas
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Rural house for 12 + 2 people in Fuente El Sauz, Ávila

El Rincón de la Moraña is an old casa rural built in 1925 that has been rebuilt very carefully, to offer the best confort to its visitors without losing the old charm. It keeps its traditional materials of adobe and wooden and its original distribution.

The house highlights by its wide places in each lodgings and its nice environment. It has five bedrooms and two bathroom, distributed into two floors, big living room with views to the Church, wide area of living room, hydromassage and pr...

Our equipment

Cared decoration
TV in living room
Rural tourism
Good views
Close garden
Garden furniture
Swimming pool


Price and availability for 12 + 2 people
Whole week:---1.590€1.590€
1 noche:390€450€490€
*Posibilidad de alquiler de una noche.
*Para estancias de más de 3 noches consultar.

Our environment

Rural house for 12 + 2 people in Fuente El Sauz, Ávila
It is located in the region of La Moraña and Arévalo, on the North of the province of Ávila, in the middle between Arévalo and Fontiveros. It is a typical farming and cattle village with around 100 inhabitants, where the visitors are surprised by the warm welcoming of the people from the village, its quietly (it is just interrupted by the sound of the bells of the church) and the conservation of the traditions nowadays nearly forgotten. You can still see its clerk giving the opening speech in the streets as usual. The parish of the Assumption is a Cultural Interest, with Mudejar head, big altarpiece from the XVIII century, good shape grills between the chancel and the naves, and a lookout tower. Its court roll is kept and some remains of a strong house of the entailed estate Suárez de Lugo.

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Our situation

Dirección: C/ La Torre, 1
05212 Fuente El Sauz, Ávila
GPS: Latitud 40.97776, Longitud -4.90957
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